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This file contains information on setting up and using FM Guard.
Copyright (c) Chaosoft, 1994-96. All rights reserved
1. Introduction
2. Preparing Windows(r) for effective use of FM Guard
3. Setting up restrictions to File Manager and Common Dialogs
4. Changing the password disabling/enabling FM Guard
A. Restricting Program Manager
B. Restricting Control Panel
Note: please refer to file README.TXT for information on:
- installing or uninstalling FM Guard
- getting updated releases of the product
- purchasing a license for continued use
- obtaining technical support
// 1. Introduction
The utility FM Guard is designed to provide means to selectively
restrict File Manager and some other Windows components. Its main
purpose is to restrict user's access to the critical parts of the
Windows installation while allowing him or her manipulate personal
files with File Manager.
It should be noted that operating system Windows version 3.1/3.11,
as well as Windows for Workgroups 3.11, was not designed to be
secure (in respect to the user's access to its vital components).
To make your system configuration more "bullet-proof", it's
important to follow the preparatory steps, described in Section 2 of
this file.
When you run File Manager with FM Guard installed, the contents of
file FMGUARD.SYS in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory is analyzed to
decide which features of File Manager and Windows to restrict. The
descriptions of all restricting commands, recognizable by the
current version of FM Guard, are provided in Section 3 of this file.
FM Guard is supplied with a sample FMGUARD.SYS file, specifying some
'reasonable' restrictions. You can change the file to make it
suitable for your needs.
If you need to temporarily disable FM Guard while File Manager is
running, choose 'Guard-Disable' from main menu of File Manager.
When a dialog box shows up, enter the valid password. If you are
using an unregistered version of FM Guard, the password is the word
"FMGuard". It is fixed and cannot be changed. If you have ordered
a license for continued use of FM Guard and obtained your
Registration Code, you may use the PASSWORD.EXE utility to setup a
password of your choice. Please refer to Section 4 on using
// 2. Preparing Windows(r) for effective use of FM Guard
- Before activating FM Guard, decide which disks and drives your
users should have access to. You may want, for example, to
assign a directory on your hard disk or network drive as the
'working' directory for all users (i.e. allow them to save their
files in that directory only and prevent them from accessing all
the other directories and disks). To do that, create a logical
drive associated with the working directory using DOS command
SUBST, and then make all the other drives unaccessible (by
listing them in the 'NoDrive=' line of the FMGUARD.SYS file, see
below in this file). For more information on the SUBST command
please type 'help subst' at the DOS prompt.
- Set up the desired configuration of Windows in the way you would
want the user to see it when s/he initially runs it. It includes
the position and size of the Program Manager and File Manager
main windows, their secondary windows (displaying icons, files
and directories), options, etc.
IMPORTANT: make sure that none of the File Manager child windows
shows a drive you wish to prevent access to, otherwise after
activating FM Guard such a window will show no files! If
the latter happens, choose 'View-By File Type' from menu and
make sure that the 'Name' field in the dialog box reads
'*.*', without quotes.
- Choose 'Options' from main menu of File Manager. Make sure 'Save
Settings on Exit' is not selected. Then press SHIFT+ALT+F4 keys
simultaneously to save the current configuration of File Manager
in WINFILE.INI. Repeat the same for Program Manager to save its
configuration in the PROGMAN.INI file.
- Add 'winfile.exe' to the list of files loaded automatically on
Windows start-up by changing the line 'load=' in the section
[windows] of the WIN.INI file to read:
load=winfile.exe <other files, if any, separated by spaces>
This will run File Manager automatically on Windows start up and
FM Guard will be activated before the user receives control from
Windows. Otherwise the user would be able to uninstall FM Guard
by modifying WINFILE.INI before running File Manager.
CAUTION: don't assume that placing File Manager's icon into
'Start Up' group of Program Manager will have the same
effect: if you don't add winfile.exe to the 'load=' line as
described above, the user will be able to disable the
loading of all programs from the 'Start Up' group by simply
keeping the key 'Shift' depressed while Windows is
- Set up restrictions for Program Manager and Control Panel, if you
wish (please see Appendices A and B at the end of this file for
more information).
- Create a private directory on your hard disk, for instance,
all the other files which you want to be used as the 'fresh
copies' when Windows starts up, into that directory.
- To prevent users from uninstalling FM Guard, add the following
lines to the end of AUTOEXEC.BAT file in your root directory:
----------------- cut here ----------------
@echo off
goto StartWin
----------------- cut here ----------------
The line '@echo off' will suppress echoing the rest of the
commands on the screen while executing them.
The line ':StartWin' is not a command, it's just a label to mark
the beginning of the command sequence to be executed each time
the user restarts Windows.
The line 'copy ...' will copy your previously saved, 'fresh'
copies of WINFILE.INI, PROGMAN.INI, etc., from the PRIVATE
directory into the WINDOWS directory, overwriting the existing
files (just in case the user has changed them or removed the 'FM
Guard=...' line from WINFILE.INI !).
The line 'win' starts Windows. The user may then do his/her work
as usual. If s/he decides to change WINFILE.INI and restart
Windows, the next line, 'goto StartWin' will transfer the
execution to the 'StartWin' line. The original WINFILE.INI file
will be restored and all the changes the user might have made
will be lost. This protects your system from uninstalling FM
- Copy FMGUARD.SYS into WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory, if you have not
done so already, and modify it, if necessary. Please refer to
Section 3 in this file for descriptions of the restricting
commands which can be in FMGUARD.SYS. After you have set up the
desired restrictions, you may wish to assign the 'read-only' and
'hidden file' attributes to the file.
- If you want to setup different levels of restrictions for
different users, you may wish to put the most restrictive options
in the 'common' file FMGUARD.SYS, which is kept in the
WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. It will be used by FM Guard as the
'default' configuration file. If you want to provide more
capabilities of File Manager for some of the users, you need to
prepare additional, less restrictive configuration file, and put
it into a local directory. To force FM Guard to use the
additional, 'local' configuration file, you need to do two
1. Add the line 'ProcessLocalFile=ON' to the 'common' file
FMGUARD.SYS (the one in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory).
If you turn this option off, by specifying
'ProcessLocalFile=OFF' in the FMGUARD.SYS file, no local
configuration files will be processed.
2. Add the line 'fmguard=...' specifying the location of the
local configuration file to the [windows] section of
WIN.INI. For example, if you want FM Guard to process
the file FMGLOCAL.SET, located in the '\USER\OPTIONS'
subdirectory on the disk D, you have to add to following
entry to the [windows] section of WIN.INI:
If FM Guard cannot find the local file, it allows File Manager to
run as usual, without any error message. The 'common' set of
restrictions, as specified by the WINDOWS\SYSTEM\FMGUARD.SYS
file, will be in effect in this case.
BE AWARE that any command you specify in the local configuration
file suppresses the corresponding command in the 'common' file
FMGUARD.SYS. BE SURE to delete (or even better, to comment out
by placing a semicolon at the beginning of a line) all commands
in the local configuration file, which you don't want to be
overdidden. For example, if you want a single common password to
be used to disable FM Guard on any machine, be sure to comment
out the line 'Password=' in all local configuration files,
otherwise they would suppress the password specified in the
'common' configuration file.
- Make all the other necessary changes to the system (like making
the entire directory WINDOWS\SYSTEM read-only).
- Activate FM Guard by adding the line 'FM Guard=...' to the end of
[AddOns] section in the WINFILE.INI file (see README.TXT for
details on installing and activating FM Guard). If you have
other File Manager extensions installed (such as MSTOOLS.DLL from
MicroSoft, or FMSTEPUP.DLL from ChaoSoft), make sure that you
have no more than 4 (in case of Windows 3.1/3.11) or 5 of them
(in case of Windows for Workgroups 3.11) listed in the [AddOns]
section, including FM Guard.
- Restart Windows. That's it!
// 3. Setting up restrictions to File Manager and Common Dialogs
File FMGUARD.SYS contains the commands which specify which features
of File Manager to restrict. This file should be placed in the
WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory (the directory containing Windows system
files such as USER.EXE, GDI.EXE, etc.) If FM Guard cannot find
FMGUARD.SYS in the SYSTEM directory, it displays an error message
and closes File Manager (to prevent users from using File Manager in
the unrestricted mode).
The name FMGUARD.SYS is hardcoded into FM Guard and cannot be
The format of the FMGUARD.SYS file is ordinary ASCII, so that it can
be edited using any text editor (like Windows Notepad). Don't use
word processors to modify this file! (since they may add formatting
codes to the text, that are unrecognizable by FM Guard).
It's NOT required to put the title [restrictions] at the beginning
of the FMGUARD.SYS file.
Each restricting command should be written in a single line. Each
line of the file should contain no more than one command. If a line
contains only 'white spaces' (any combination of SPACE and TAB
characters), it's skipped without processing or warning.
If the first 'non-white-space' character in the line is a semicolon
';' this line is considered as a comment and the rest of it is
ignored by FM Guard. Otherwise the line is treated as a restricting
Each restricting command should be written using the following
command = value
where 'command' is the name of the restricting command, and 'value'
is it's value. Both the name of the command and the value can be
surrounded by an arbitrary number of 'white spaces' (characters
SPACE and TAB). Both the name and value are case insensitive, so
that, for example, names 'NoClose', 'NOCLOSE', and 'noclose' are all
valid names for the command defining the ability of the user to
close File Manager.
If the specified name of the command is not one of the predefined
names, the entire line containing that name is ignored without error
If a restricting command is deleted from FMGUARD.SYS or commented
out, no warning is issued, and the corresponding feature of File
Manager is restored to its default.
Most of the restricting commands in the FMGUARD.SYS file are Boolean
commands. The value of such a command can be one of the following:
1, ON, TRUE, or YES - to turn the restriction on,
0, OFF, FALSE, or NO - to turn the restriction off.
For example, any of the following commands can be used to prevent
the user from closing File Manager:
NoClose = 1
NoClose = ON
NoClose = True
NoClose = Yes
Note: For all Boolean commands, setting them to 0, OFF, FALSE, NO
will produce the same effect: enabling the corresponding feature of
File Manager (the default, including when they do not appear in
FMGUARD.SYS at all).
There are also non-Boolean commands, such as NoDrive, UserName,
Password. The values for these commands are the whole strings
rather than Boolean triggers.
The following table contains all restricting commands which are
recognized by the current version of FM Guard.
UserName = string
"string" should be replaced with the name the software is
registered to, without quotes. It must contain no less then 6 and
no more than 29 characters, including spaces and punctuation.
Must be entered EXACTLY as it appears on your Registration
Acknowledgement, including proper number of spaces between words
(don't use the TAB key instead of SPACE) and using proper letter
case (upper or lower).
RegNum = number
"number" should be replaced with the registration code, as it
appears on your Registration Acknowledgement, without quotes.
To verify that the reg. code entered is valid, save file
FMGUARD.SYS after you have modified it, restart File Manager, and
choose 'Guard-About' from the menu. If the screen reads
"Unregistered copy", then either UserName or RegNum contains an
invalid value. If both UserName and RegNum are valid, the 'About
FM Guard' screen will show the name it's registered to.
Password = number
"number" should be replaced with the encoded passport you generate
by running PASSWORD.EXE . This command has no effect if the
registration information above is missing or invalid. The only
difference between registered and unregistered versions of FM
Guard is the password protection of the command 'Guard - Disable'.
Please see file ORDER.TXT for information on how to register FM
NoClose = boolean
disables the commands 'File-Exit', 'Control Menu - Close', ALT+F4
of File Manager and thus prevents from exiting File Manager.
NoSaveSettings = boolean
unchecks the menu item 'Options - Save Settings on Exit' and
disables it, thus preventing File Manager from saving changes to
its configuration when the user exits it.
NoExecute = boolean
prevents from running programs via double-clicking a file in a
File Manager window or via the command 'File-Open'. This command
does NOT prevent opening associated documents via double-clicking
a file in File Manager. Use the NoOpen command to disable opening
associated documents as well. Also, use the NoRun and NoDragDrop
commands as compliments to the NoExecute command.
NoDragDrop = boolean
disables all drag-and-drop operations and thus prevents the user
from running programs by dragging them from File Manager to
Program Manager. Note that NoDragDrop also disables all the other
drag-and-drop' operations: copying and moving files, etc. The user
is still able to use menu commands to perform these operations
(unless they are disabled explicitly; see below in this file).
NoMoveSize = boolean
prevents from changing the position on the screen of the main
window of File Manager.
NoMinimize = boolean
prevents from minimizing the main window of File Manager.
NoMaximize = boolean
prevents from maximizing the main window of File Manager.
NoSwitch = boolean
prevents from launching Task Manager from the System Menu.
NoMoveSizeMDI = boolean
prevents from changing positions of the child windows of
File Manager (those that display file and directory listings).
NoMinimizeMDI = boolean
prevents from mimimizing child windows of File Manager.
NoMaximizeMDI = boolean
prevents from maximizing child windows of File Manager.
NoNextMDI = boolean
prevents from switching between child windows of File Manager.
NoCloseMDI = boolean
prevents from closing any child window in File Manager.
NoOpenMDI = boolean
prevents from opening any new child windows (including the result
of the 'File - Search' command!).
NoChangeDrive = boolean
preventing the user from changing the drives displayed in child
windows (however, moving around the directories on the drive
currently displayed in a window is still possible):
NoDrive = string
prevents browsing the drives listed in the "string" value.
For instance, to disable access to drives C, H, and Z, specify:
NoDrive = CHZ
IMPORTANT: when preparing Windows for using FM Guard, make sure
that none of the child windows of File Manager shows the
contents of a drive you wish to prevent access to. Otherwise,
after you have activated FM Guard, no files will be shown by
File Manager.
If the latter happens:
- while File Manager is running, disable FM Guard by choosing
'Guard-Disable' from menu;
- close all windows which show the "prohibited" drives;
- for every other child window of File Manager, choose
'View-By File Type' from the menu and restore the
filter of file names (*.* usually) in the dialog box.
- press SHIFT+ALT+F4 simultaneously to save the current
configuration of File Manager;
- enable FM Guard.
Starting from version 2.00, FM Guard is able to restrict not only
File Manager, but also other Windows components. As of this
writing, FM Guard is able to restrict user access to certain disks
via Common Dialogs ('Open', 'Save As', etc.). To employ this
feature, the 'NoDrive' command in the FMGUARD.SYS file should be
used. If you have already set this command up to prevent access
to some drives via File Manager, no additional actions are
required: access to these drives via Common Dialogs will be
restricted automatically as well.
IMPORTANT: the Common Dialogs restrictions are in effect only if
File Manager (with FM Guard activated) is running. If you close
File Manager, full access to the drives via Common Dialogs will
be restored. If you want the Common Dialogs restrictions to be
in effect all the time, it's a good idea to load File Manager
when Windows starts up (by specifying WINFILE.EXE in the 'load='
line of the WIN.INI file) and use the 'NoClose=ON' command in
the FMGUARD.SYS file. This will keep File Manager active for
the duration of the whole Windows session.
Please note that not all applications use Common Dialogs. In
spite of the fact that using Common Dialogs is encouraged by
Microsoft and is even required for an application to qualify for
the 'Windows Compatible' logo, some of the software vendors
(including Microsoft itself!) don't use them. As a result, some
applications (including MS Word and Excel) cannot be restricted by
FM Guard in this way.
NoDeleteEdit = boolean
NoRunEdit = boolean
NoMoveEdit = boolean
NoCopyEdit = boolean
NoRenameEdit = boolean
NoSearchDirEdit = boolean
NoPrintEdit = boolean
disable editing fields in the corresponding dialog boxes. The
user will be able to use the commands to manage his own files (by
highlighting them in File Manager), but will not be able to type
anything in the editing fields.
For example, you may want to allow the user to use the Delete
command to delete his own files, by highlighting the files in File
Manager and choosing File-Delete from main menu. To achive that,
you would specify 'NoDelete = OFF' to enable access to the
'Delete' command, but also use 'NoDeleteEdit = ON' to prevent
modifying the filename in the dialog box. In this way the user
won't be able to delete files located on a 'restricted' disk, for
NoSearchAllSubDirs = boolean
disables the 'Search All Subdirectories' checkbox in the
'File-Search' dialog box.
NoShowSystemHiddenFiles = boolean
disables the 'Show System/Hidden files' checkbox in the 'File-By
File Type' dialog box;
NoAttributesEdit = boolean
prevents one from modifying file attributes using the
'File-Properties' command.
NoGrayedMenus = boolean
controls the effect of the following commands:
NoFileMenu, NoDiskMenu, NoTreeMenu, NoViewMenu, NoOptionsMenu,
NoWindowMenu, NoHelpMenu, NoStepUpMenu, NoToolbarMenu.
If 'NoGrayedMenus = ON' is specified, then the corresponding
submenu is removed from the menu bar if the NoFileMenu=ON (or
other command from the list above) is used. Otherwise, if
'NoGrayedMenus=OFF' is specified, the submenu is 'grayed', but not
removed from the menu bar. In the latter case you can restore
access to the submenus by means of the 'Guard-Disable' command.
NoFileMenu = boolean
removes the 'File' submenu from the menu bar of File Manager.
NoOpen = boolean
NoMove = boolean
NoCopy = boolean
NoDelete = boolean
NoUndelete = boolean
NoRename = boolean
NoProperties = boolean
NoRun = boolean
NoPrint = boolean
NoAssociate = boolean
NoCreateDir = boolean
NoSearch = boolean
NoSelect = boolean
disable individual menu items of the 'File' submenu. To disable
the 'Exit' menu item, use NoClose.
NoDiskMenu = boolean
removes the 'Disk' submenu from the menu bar of File Manager.
NoCopyDisk = boolean
NoLabelDisk = boolean
NoFormatDisk = boolean
NoMakeSystemDisk= boolean
NoSelectDrive = boolean
disable individual menu items of the 'Disk' submenu. In addition,
the NoMakeSystemDisk command also disables the 'Make System Disk'
check box in the 'Format Disk' dialog box.
NoTreeMenu = boolean
removes the 'Tree' submenu from the menu bar of File Manager.
NoExpOneLevel = boolean
NoExpBranch = boolean
NoExpAll = boolean
NoCollapse = boolean
NoIndicateExp = boolean
disable individual menu items of the 'Tree' submenu.
NoViewMenu = boolean
removes the 'View' submenu from the menu bar of File Manager.
NoTreeDir = boolean
disables the following items of the 'View' submenu: 'Tree and
Directory', 'Tree Only', 'Directory Only'.
NoSplit = boolean
disables the 'Split' command of the 'View' submenu.
NoDetails = boolean
disables the following items of the 'View' submenu: 'Name',
'All File Details', 'Partial Details'.
NoSort = boolean
disables all the 'Sort By...' items of the 'View' submenu.
NoByFileType = boolean
disables the 'By File Type' command of the 'View' submenu.
NoOptionsMenu = boolean
removes the 'View' submenu from the menu bar of File Manager.
NoConfirmation = boolean
NoFont = boolean
NoStatusBar = boolean
NoMinimizeOnUse = boolean
NoCustomizeToolBar = boolean
NoToolBar = boolean
NoDriveBar = boolean
disable the corresponding items of the 'Options' submenu. Use the
NoSaveSettings command to disable the 'Save settings on Exit'
NoWindowMenu = boolean
NoHelpMenu = boolean
remove the 'Window' and 'Help' submenus from the menu bar of File
Manager. There are no separate commands controlling individual
commands of the 'Window' and 'Help' submenus.
NoNetwork = boolean
disables the 'Network Connections...' command.
NoViewShared = boolean
disables the 'View Shared Directories...' command.
NoShareDir = boolean
disables the 'Share Directory' command.
NoStopShareDir = boolean
disables the 'Stop Sharing Directory' command.
NoConnect = boolean
disables the 'Connect to a network drive' command.
NoDisconnect = boolean
disables the 'Disconnect from a network drive' command.
NoOpenOnConnect = boolean
disables the 'Open new on connect' command.
NoStepUpMenu = boolean
removes the 'StepUp' menu item from menu bar. Ignored if
FM StepUp is not installed.
NoToolbarMenu = boolean
removes the 'Toolbar' menu item from menu bar. Ignored if
FM Toolbar is not installed.
NoGuardMenu = boolean
removes the 'Guard' menu item from the menu bar. This command has
NO EFFECT if values of the UserName or RegNum commands are invalid
or missing.
Note:the NoGrayedMenus command has no effect on the NoGuardMenu
command. If NoGuardMenu=ON is specified, the 'Guard' submenu is
always deleted from the menu bar.
CAUTION: if you set it to 'ON', you won't be able to disable FM
Guard by entering a password, and, if you follow the recommended
steps described in Section 2 of this file, you may have hard
time disabling FM Guard at all. Use this command only after
having tested your Windows and FM Guard configurations and
making sure everything is set up the way you want it!
ProcessLocalFile = boolean
If the command 'ProcessLocalFile=ON' is specified in the
FMGUARD.SYS file, then after processing FMGUARD.SYS file in the
WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory, the contents of an additional file with
restricting commands is analized. The location of this additional
file is specified with the command
'fmguard=<DOS-path-to-the-local-config-file>' which should be
added to the [windows] section of the WIN.INI file. The 'local'
configuration file may contain any restrictive commands,
overriding the corresponding settings in the 'common' FMGUARD.SYS
file, thus providing a way to make File Manager more or less
restrictive, depending on the user. The only commands which are
ignored in the 'local' configuration file are 'UserName',
'RegNum', and 'ProcessLocalFile'. BE SURE to comment out those
entries in the local configuration file which you don't want to be
// 4. Changing the password disabling/enabling FM Guard
After you register FM Guard and obtain your Registration Code, you
can use PASSWORD.EXE to change the password required to
disable/enable FM Guard while File Manager is running:
- run PASSWORD.EXE, and when the dialog box pops up, enter the name
FM Guard is registered to (EXACTLY as it appears on your
Registration Acknowledgement!), your Registration Code, and the
new password. If the registration information is entered
correctly, the dialog box will display a line that should be
added to your FMGUARD.SYS file. It has the form:
Password = number
where "number" contains the password in an encoded form. You may
wish to enter the new password again to verify that the resulting
"number" is the same.
After you add the required 'Password =...' command to FMGUARD.SYS
(in the SYSTEM directory!), the new password can be used to
disable/enable FM Guard.
Appendix A. Restricting Program Manager
You may also wish to restrict Program Manager in addition to File
Manager. Please note that the ability to restrict Program Manager
is built-in into Windows and is NOT a feature of FM Guard. The
information below is provided only for reference purposes for your
convenience. If you have any questions about restricting Program
Manager, you should contact the customer support department of
Microsoft, NOT Chaosoft.
The [restrictions] section of PROGMAN.INI is intended to allow
system administrators to restrict access to certain Program Manager
functions, the settings within the section can consist of the
Description of Settings:
Entry Value
NoRun = 1 Disables the Run command line on the File menu.
The Run command will be dimmed on the File menu
and the user will not be able to run
applications from Program Manager unless the
applications are set up as icons.
NoClose = 1 Disables the Exit Windows command on the File
menu. Users will not be able to quit Program
Manager (and thus Windows, assuming Program
Manager is set up as the Windows SHELL). The
File/Exit Windows command and the Control
menu/Close command are dimmed. ALT-F4 is also
NoSaveSettings=1 Disables the Save Settings on Exit command on
the Options menu. The Save Settings on Exit
command will appear dimmed on the Options menu
and any changes that the user makes to the
arrangement of windows and icons will not be
saved on exiting Windows. This setting
overrides the SaveSettings= entry in the
[settings] section of PROGMAN.INI.
NoFileMenu = 1 Removes the File menu from Program Manager. All of
the commands on that menu are then unavailable.
Users can start applications by using icons.
Windows may still be exited via the System Menu or
Note: For all the No* settings, setting them =0
enables them (the default, including when they
do not appear in PROGMAN.INI at all)
EditLevel = Sets restrictions for what settings and features users
can modify in Program manager.
0 -- Any changes may be made (default).
1 -- Prevents user from creating, deleting, or
renaming GROUPS. The New, Move, Copy, and
Delete commands on the File menu are dimmed
when a group is selected.
2 -- All restrictions of level 1, plus prevents
creating or deleting PROGRAM Items. The
New, Move, Copy, and Delete commands on the
File menu are always dimmed.
3 -- All restrictions of level 2, plus prevents
changing command lines for PROGRAM Items.
The text in the Command Line box in the
Properties dialog cannot be changed.
4 -- All restrictions of level 3, plus prevents
ANY changes to PROGRAM Item information.
Prevents changes in any of the areas of the
Properties dialog, it still may be viewed,
though all of the areas are dimmed.
Appendix B. Restricting Control Panel
Below are step-by-step instructions on entries that can be made in
the CONTROL.INI file to limit access to specific icons in the
Control Panel, such as 386 Enhanced, International, Printers, and
so on.
Please note that the ability to restrict Control Panel is built-in
into Windows and is NOT a feature of FM Guard. The information
below is provided only for reference purposes for your
convenience. If you have any questions about restricting Control
Panel, you should contact the customer support department of
Microsoft, NOT Chaosoft.
Add a section called [Don't Load] to the CONTROL.INI file, then
type the name of the icon that you don't want to be shown. The
section should look as follows; however, only add the name of the
item you want to limit.
Example of All the Icons Turned Off
[Don't Load]
386 Enhanced=1
Example of All the Icons Turned On
[Don't Load]
386 Enhanced=
A "0" or "1" after the "=" sign (without quotation marks) will disable
that icon.